For years, Ziploc has created special holiday bags and canisters as a way to stand out from the other storage products. But as private label brands got more sophisticated, Ziploc was no longer the only player with holiday-themed products. The challenge then, was to sell out the entire line of Ziploc holiday products before the end of the holiday season.
Our solution was not only to make Ziploc brand bags and containers the must-have accessory for holiday goodies, but to create an added-value online experience that made it easy for moms to bring festive style into their homes.
Along with our first ever “Guest Creative Director,” fashion and DIY blogger Joanna Hawley, our team created a microsite with 140 pieces of unique online content as well. The entire effort also included television, digital, social, shopper, Pinterest, Instagram and more.
The result smashed all KPIs and was so successful the brand made an integrated holiday effort an annual event.
Digital Microsite Overview
Microsite Landing Page
Sample Microsite Article
Pinterest Integration
Sample Pinterest Pins